Support Old Templates Format


The Templates serve as a flexible resource for creating customized messages for various purposes. The format of templates in Reach has been changed. Previously, Reach used only two types of templates: Relationship and Nickname. These templates were represented by standard emojis:

Relationship: 👥

Nickname: 🌀

Templates Format

You can find Templates in Reach messages by tapping the "Template Fields" button.


They always in the Square Brackets in messages:


These brackets highlight all the templates you insert into the message.

Templates can be: First Name, Last Name, Nickname, etc., and others from the "Template Fields" dropdown list. When you define templates on the contact's edit page, they appear in the dropdown menu during message composition, enabling their insertion into messages as templates.

Templates in Message

Using the old format:


Equivalent in the new format:


By enabling this feature, Reach will recognize and appropriately process these emojis as templates, ensuring backward compatibility with older content.

How to Enable the Feature

Go to the application settings.


Locate the setting for "Support Old Templates Format" and enable it.
