Manage Messages


This article helps you organize and handle your messages efficiently. It explains how to enter Edit Mode or change the status of individual messages. You can select one or multiple messages to mark as new, mark as sent, or delete them. This article provides an easy way to maintain neat and well-organized messages within the app.

1. Edit Mode

Navigate to Messages. When you navigate to the "Messages", you will see a list of all the messages you have created.


Tap the "Edit" button located in the top left corner of the screen.

Select Messages. You have two ways to select messages:

  • Individual Selection: You can also select individual messages by tapping on each message. This allows for the selection of one or multiple messages.
  • Select All: A "Select All" button will appear in the top right corner. Tapping this button will select all messages in the list.

Manage Options. A toolbar will appear at the bottom of the screen with three options once you have activated edit mode and selected one or more messages:

  • Mark as New: This option marks the selected messages as new. The messages marked as new will be displayed in bold with a blue dot next to each of them.
  • Mark as Sent: This option marks the selected messages as sent. The messages marked as sent will be displayed in a regular font without the blue dot.
  • Delete: This option deletes the selected messages. Please note: Deleted messages cannot be recovered unless you have made a backup.

Exit Edit Mode. Tap the "Done" button in the upper left corner to exit edit mode.


2. Swipe Left to Change the Message Status

There is the second method how you can manage Message Status. For individual messages, swipe left to reveal two buttons.

For New messages, you will see "Mark as Sent" and "Delete".


For Sent messages, you will see "Mark as New" and "Delete".


Tapping "Mark as Sent" or "Mark as New" changes the status of the selected message. You can also delete a message by tapping the "Delete" button.
