Android - Manage Messages


This article helps you organize and handle your messages efficiently. It explains how to enter Edit Mode or change the status of individual messages. You can select one or multiple messages to mark as draft, mark as sent, or delete them. You can also check the report of queued messages and resume sending. This article provides an easy way to maintain neat and well-organized messages within the app.

1. Navigate to Messages

Go to the drawer menu and select "All Messages".


When you navigate to the "Messages", you will see a list of all the messages you have created.

2. Manage Messages. Create a New Message.

To create a new message tap the pencil icon located in the top right corner or bottom right corner of the screen.


Read Compose new message for detailed instructions.

3. Manage Messages. Change Message Status.

All your messages are displayed in the messages list, categorized by their status: Sent, Draft, or Paused.


Swipe right on the desired message.


The status will automatically toggle:

  • If it was "Sent", it will change to "Draft".
  • If it was "Draft" or "Paused", it will change to "Sent".

4. Manage Messages. View Message Reports.

For sent messages, you can view detailed reports:

  • Tap the "Report" button located to the right of each sent message.
  • This will take you to the Queue page where you can see the report, indicating whether the message was successfully sent or encountered errors. You'll also see a list of contacts to whom the message was sent.
  • Press the "Back" button to return to the message list.

5. Manage Messages. Resume Paused Messages.

If any messages were paused during sending:

  • Locate the paused message in the list (status Paused).
  • Tap the "Resume" button next to it.
  • This will take you to the Queue page, which will automatically resume the sending process.
  • Press "Back" in the top left to return to the message list.

Read How to Pause and Resume Sending Messages for more detailed information.

6. Manage Messages. Select Messages and apply options from the dropdown menu.

To manage multiple messages at once:

  • Press and hold on a message to select it.
  • Continue tapping other messages to select additional ones. The number of selected messages will be displayed at the top of the screen.
  • In this mode, you can: 1. Delete selected messages by tapping the trash icon in the top right corner.
  • 2. Tap the three-dot button in the top right corner to reveal a dropdown menu.
  • Dropdown menu options:
    • Select All: Select all messages.
    • Deselect All: Deselect all messages.
    • Mark as Sent: Mark selected messages as sent.
    • Mark as Draft: Mark selected messages as drafts.
    • Duplicate: Duplicate selected messages.
    • Delete: Delete selected messages.
  • Exit this mode by tapping an empty space on the screen or pressing the "Back" arrow in the top left corner.

7. Manage Messages. Delete a Message.

To delete a single message:

  • Swipe left on the message.
  • A confirmation popup will appear.
  • Tap "Delete" to confirm and delete the message.