Important Update. July 3rd, 2023.

Deleted Contacts Bug - iOS

Recently, our developers have identified an issue with Apple's iCloud backup system which can cause the deletion of all your contacts in the Reach app.

Users who have more than 5mb of data stored in the Reach app may find their contacts deleted upon opening the app. Each group will show "0 Contacts".

Which users are affected?

Users who have more than 5mb of data stored in the Reach app. This translates into having over 5000 messages stored in the Reach app. However, it can be a much smaller number of messages, depending on the size of each message.

Prevention - Backup your contacts now!

Please ensure you create an external backup of all your groups in the Reach app. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Reach app
  2. Go to the Settings tab
  3. Tap on "Import and Export" screen
  4. Select "Export All Groups" and choose a location on your iCloud, Google Drive, or any other choice of storage in your possession.

Lost Contacts - What To Do Now?

The good news is that your data is not entirely lost. All of your data is still saved in your iCloud account, including your contacts.

To restore the data, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Reach app
  2. Go to the Settings tab
  3. Tap on "Cloud Backups"
  4. Wait for the backups to load, then choose the backup with the most contacts (usually, this should be the one at the top of the list).

Note: It may take a while to load all your backups, especially if you have been using the app for several years. If loading is slow, consider switching to a faster internet connection. For instance, if you are on WiFi, try disconnecting and using 5G, or vice versa.

Current Status

Our development team has already released a patch that fixes this issue. Apple's review team is currently examining this build. Once they approve it, it will become available on the App Store. We will keep this article updated.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at